Home > Products > Patterns > Animal Patterns > Domestic Animals > Dogs > Dogs - Page 4 > Bearded Collie Puppy
Butterscotch the Bearded Collie Puppy can be made with the instructions contained in this pattern. The puppy is four and one half inches tall and four inches from nose to tail.
The Bearded Collie or Beardie is a herding breed of dog once used primarily by Scottish shepherds, but now mostly a popular family companion. An average Bearded Collie weighs 40-60 lbs and is 20-22 inches tall.
Bearded Collies make excellent pets for those who are willing to accommodate their high energy level and grooming requirements. Some Bearded Collie owners opt to keep their pets in a "puppy cut" haircut, which does reduce the need for brushing, but does not eliminate it. Bearded Collies are a very high energy breed, originally bred to work in the Scottish Highlands, herding sheep. Beardies also excel at dog agility trials.